Are you the spanner or the works of Sustainable Entrepreneurship?

The management gurus tell us that we have to keep referring back to our ‘Why’s’. Easier said than done. It is way too easy to get caught up in the latest get-rich-quick scheme, the stresses, and strains of keeping up with the Jones’s, and above all the is-it-worth-it questions that we face on a regular basis.

Finding our Why

addVENTURES Business Club’s WHY is defined on our page which aptly is called ‘Why‘.

“We believe that every entrepreneur
has the power to change the world for good.

We believe in the positive impact of business
on the environmentsociety, and on ourselves.

We do not believe in a here today, gone tomorrow

and that’s OK attitude.

We believe in a business world
free from politics, culture, race, or prior credentials.

We believe.”

EVERY Entrepreneur can make a difference

If it is OK with you, I would like to hover a moment over the words ‘every entrepreneur’, and more specifically ‘every’. How often have you found yourself feeling inadequate to take on a project? How often have you noticed an injustice or need and still think ‘this is for someone else? This is not for me.’ When it comes to the feeling of inadequacy, I can raise my hand so high that you’d be able to notice me at the back of a music festival.

We often think we need to leave the more impressive work to be done by Jason English and his YPO friends. Or maybe people with the PR clout of Ryno Griesel and his friends who are breaking all the FKT’s. Or maybe you need to be a public voice like Ivor Price or an Award Winning agency head such as Monalisa Sibongile Zwambila?

Monalisa wrote the following insert on LinkedIn in February 2023: “(We need) Ordinary people with big dreams that are disciplined enough to do the hard work, resilient enough to weather the storm, and determined enough to never stop until their dream is achieved.

Alternatively, we also look towards people with a massive social media following such as Suezette Smit or Louisa Duarte from Momtrepreneurs to take up the message of sustainable entrepreneurship.

Perceptions are the Death of Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Sustainable entrepreneurship is definitely not something that comes naturally to everyone. It is without a doubt a massive problem in the world of business where we are blinded by glitz and glamour. Attending the one posh party after the other and then posting it all over social media is something that might make you feel better about yourself, but have you ever considered how it screws up the guy next door. Yes, that poor soul that is following you on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, ad infinitum.

Perceptions can be the death of sustainable entrepreneurship. Instead of working towards long-term entrepreneurship goals, we can become overwhelmed by the idea of money that our neighbors are making. Or at least the perception of money that is generated.

The Courage to Pursue Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Every entrepreneur needs courage. It takes courage to quit your day job. It takes courage to start a business. It takes courage to remain flexible. It takes courage to pivot. It’s fair to say that without courage, there would not be entrepreneurs. But the hardest part is to remain true to your Why and follow your initial long-term sustainable entrepreneurship practices. To not let the perception of someone else’s success deter you to stay true to your why. Rome was not built in a day and a solid, stable business does not happen overnight.

My late father, Flip Rosslee, always used to remind us that you cannot win a game of golf if you look at someone else’s scorecard.’ But we forget this so quickly and open ourselves up to being overwhelmed. The following Nelson Mandela quote is probably something that we can carve out onto our walls, keep a copy of it underneath our pillows, and a screenshot on our phones: “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. I felt fear myself more times than I can remember, but I hid it behind a mask of boldness. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

Virtual Steps to Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Probably the biggest stumbling block to us having the confidence to stand up and say ‘I will’ is that we assume that we have to start on a massive scale. The reality is that if we start changing our way of doing things right where we are, we can make an impact without even realizing it. Your sphere could be as small as a 1m circumference. It is not the size that matters, but the passion and consistency.

Helping yourself and those closest to you to achieve long-term business goals could be as small as giving an encouraging reply on a social media post. A virtual hug can sometimes be just as comforting as the real McCoy. Sharing someone else’s post with your friends and colleagues could be even better. It will take a second out of your life, but the difference it will make can be massive.

There is nothing better than giving a reference of a person. After all, we buy from people we know, and if you could be a reference, your friends and colleagues might just respond favorably to me. Yes, it goes without saying that this needs to be authentic. There is nothing worse than finding out that you got remunerated for your reference.

The Real McCoy of Caring

Suzette Smit, motivational speaker, author, radio personality, and a whole lot more, wrote on the ‘Vroue wat Voorloop‘ Facebook Page on Sunday 26 February:

Why not share a bit of your magic with others this coming week by stopping someone in the hallway and telling them how proud you are of them? Then watch the magic you make on their face.
Greet someone with a hug instead of a handshake and hold them for just an extra second or two longer than normal.
Persevere a project, forgive when you wouldn’t have otherwise, get up from being knocked down, and take action on that big idea that’s been percolating. Then go look in the mirror, you’ll see the magic you made on the face staring back.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship Starts with Me

My contribution to sustainable entrepreneurship could be immense. One small act of working towards long-term goals for my own business, the community around me as well as the environment could be the reason why the next entrepreneur quit or continue. Their decision to quit or continue can encourage the next entrepreneur. And so the wheels of sustainable entrepreneurship keep on moving. Making an impact wherever it goes.

We believe that every entrepreneur
has the power to change the world for good.

We believe in the positive impact of business
on the environmentsociety, and on ourselves.

We do not believe in a here today, gone tomorrow

and that’s OK attitude.

We believe in a business world
free from politics, culture, race, or prior credentials.

We believe in you!

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