Finding your Why in Business

Step 1 in your Roadmap to Business Adventures

Do you know WHY you are in business? Do you have an ‘I want to change the world’ answer, or is your number one focus, like most people, to make money? To pay the bills and to put the kids through school and varsity. The reality is that there is nothing wrong with being a diligent citizen who wants to provide for themselves and not be a burden on anyone else. The question that keeps on popping up is whether or not that is a big enough excuse to be passionate about what you do.

Why is your WHY important?

Being able to articulate your “why I am in business” or your purpose is important for two reasons: First and foremost it grounds you. Your “why” serves as the foundation for all that you do. And secondly, it inspires you. Your “why in business” serves as a guiding light that connects you to your vision and where you want to go.

When you find your “why” in business, these things happen:

  • You connect to your big vision for yourself and for your work.
  • You can better articulate your vision, which in turn helps you articulate that to the world.
  • You know what you’re aiming for, so you can keep your mind on your mission, even in times of uncertainty.
  • You find it easier to stay motivated, keep going, and do the work.
  • You’re tied into a purpose that is much bigger than you. You know what you hope to achieve through your work and how that serves the world.

How often does your WHY in business change?

  • Even though the “how” of your work may change over time, your “why” likely will not change.
  • Questions to ask yourself to find your why in business
  • So often people start businesses or careers without stopping to ask themselves why it is they’re doing it in the first place.

Here are a few questions that can help you find your why in business.

  • What do you want to be known for?
  • What’s your overall vision?
  • What drives you?
  • Why are you doing this work in the first place?
  • What is it you hope to achieve through your work?

Don’t worry, if you’ve never thought about this before it can seem daunting. You might not answer these overnight.

What if you still don’t know your why?

If you’re struggling with finding your why you are in business or answering the questions above, try meditating, asking for guidance, and daily journaling on the topic. You might also see what inspires you about your work and about life in general, and what brings you true happiness.

Finding your why is the first and arguably the most important step in starting a purpose-driven business.
I regularly take clients through this exercise as part of the coaching process.

Finding your why first, sets the stage for so many other business activities. Can you imagine a life where you just go through the motions without having a clue why you are doing it, for whom you are doing it, or having absolutely no measure of whether you are actually succeeding or not? After all, life is not just about money.

Don’t forget that we are here to help you work through your why, one step at a time. Subscribe to our newsletter for valuable advice, upcoming events, and exciting news from AddVentures Business Club. Have questions? Contact us today for more information!

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