Trick or Treat? Using NLP in Marketing Your Business

“It’s all in your mind.” “Stop daydreaming.” How many times have you heard these phrases? Mostly with a negative connotation. I have recently revised all my NLP textbooks and guides from my business coaching days and fell in love with the subject of NLP all over again. The benefits of incorporating NLP into your Marketing Strategy are literally mind-blowing!! If you were wondering, it is a brilliant idea to be ‘in your mind’ and ‘daydreaming’ more often if you want to see your entrepreneurial venture flying!

Why is NLP in Marketing Important?

I can write a book on why we should use NLP in our marketing, but the short answer is: that 80% of our decisions are made through emotion. Contrary to popular belief we do not make decisions based on the features of a product or service. We make decisions based on the emotion that is generated. For example, we do not buy a house because of the size, location, or even the color. We buy a house because of the perceived idea that that house will bring us joy and happiness and most of all, the bragging rights. And NLP is part of the process of programming our brains to how we should think.

What is NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming?

NLP is a technique that analyzes how the way we think affects the way we act and how it affects the way the people with whom we communicate act. NLP is used to subconsciously change your mindset and likewise the minds of those around you, so that it is always working toward your advantage.

  1. Neuro: Our nervous system (brain) processes all the sensory input* we experience, and translates this into something our mind and bodies can understand.
    *The sensory input is done through our sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. (VAKOG System)
  2. Linguistic: The language we use to interact with ourselves and others. This language is not just the spoken language, but the VAKOG language we use.
  3. Programming: Everything we do, think, say, feel, and believe is processed through the meaning that we assign to our experiences and actions. Our reactions to things become programmed subconsciously in our brains.

When you put neuro + linguistic + programming together, you are left with a formula that equals the perfect recipe for gaining cognitive control of your life and the decisions of your potential and existing clients.

Most of NLP in marketing happens subconsciously and a big chunk of NLP in marketing is stuff that we already know we should do. What I love about the study of NLP in marketing is understanding why certain things work the way it does.

For instance, using the mirroring technique helps to build tremendous rapport with my clients. Now I know why. But more on this later.

NLP Techniques to Master in Marketing

There are a ton of NLP Techniques to get your grip around. These include Anchoring, Priming, Modeling, Dissociation, and Incantations. The two most prominent ones that I have used with amazing success in the past involve Matching & Mirroring as well as Pacing & Leading.

Matching & Mirroring

Brand building and making that sale is all about building rapport with your prime target person. Let’s call her Annie. Essentially people like people who are like themselves. If you can create that subtle nuance that Annie believes you are ‘birds of a feather’, you are halfway to your sale.

Mirroring the body language, tone, and pace of your prospect to build rapport and make them feel more comfortable.
Matching the language patterns and word choices of your prospect to establish a connection.

This technique definitely takes some practice to perfect, but his one is a sure winner! Essentially, in my opinion, this should not just be an act to trick your client, but a genuine attempt to create a bond. And yes, it should be subtle. You do NOT want to give the impression that you are fake.

Pacing & Leading

Pacing involves matching Annie’s current state and building trust by showing you understand her.
Leading her involves guiding Annie toward your desired outcome by introducing new ideas and suggestions.

If Annie is visibly upset about a tenant who made her blood boil, you are not going to win friends by telling her she should calm down. If anything, Annie will think you do not ‘get’ her and would want to get rid of you ASAP. ‘Moving’ with her emotions until she calms down, will get her into a state where she becomes responsive to whatever advert or sales pitch that you want to share with her.

Is NLP in Marketing a Trick or a Treat?

I can see how you can perceive the use of NLP in Marketing as a trick used by fakes. And I get it. I do believe there are an insane amount of fakes out in the business world where we move every day. The good news is that if you understand NLP a little bit better, you would be able to spot the fakes a mile away. And that is a massive win on its own!

But essentially, I do believe NLP in Marketing is a gift from the heavens above that should not be wasted.

NLP’s Uses in Business Ad Infinitum

The number of ways in which you can use NLP in your entrepreneurial business is literally unlimited. From Anchoring and Incantations to getting yourself back into the fighting spirit for the new day ahead to building rapport with your co-workers, suppliers, and most of all your investors. And the list goes on and on ad infinitum.

I can vouch that NLP and its uses will be covered ad infinitum in the Add+Ventures Roadmap to Rediscover your Business Adventures.

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