Have you ever woken up in the morning … lying in bed …. eyes still closed …. and the first thing you can think of is: “Oh shit, I have screwed up!! Again!!”
If you have experienced this feeling before, you are definitely not alone. I have most certainly experienced this ‘oh shit’ moment many times in the past. As a brand builder of over 30 years, with the last 20 years focussed entirely on entrepreneurs, I understand the stresses and strains, the uncertainties of where to next, and the devastating feeling of burnout all too well.
The launch of our BRAND NEW podcast series “The Add+Ventures Roadmap” is all about supporting our entrepreneurs who have been around the block, to rediscover that amazing feeling of business adventure.
You are One Step Away
Lao Tzal, the Chinese Philosopher once said: A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.
Yes, I know this sounds so obvious …. But sometimes the stresses and strains of business tend to incapacitate us.
This brings me back to that feeling of waking up in the morning and thinking ‘o shit!’ Things don’t always work out the way you have planned it. We might give up out of our own accord way too soon!
We might be forced to give up. Sometimes we just never dared to pursue our dreams.
Whatever your reason for that ‘o shit’ moment, today is a new day. Today is the beginning of the rest of your life. It sounds cheesy, but it is a simple fact of life.
What is the Add+Ventures RoadMap podcast all about?
First and foremost, it is short for Add+Ventures RoadMap to Rediscover your Business Adventures.
We are here to support our entrepreneurs who have been around the block. Entrepreneurs who need to rediscover the adventure of business.
And that most definitely includes those who have been working for a boss for a very long time and have a desire to fulfill their dream of their own small business.
The 7 Check Points of Add+Ventures RoadMap
Finding Your Why
Finding your Why is about the process of checking in with your purpose. What is our legacy? What are we supposed to do to serve those around us? If you are only doing what you are doing for the money, history has taught us that you are in for a serious surprise. But then again, whatever we do has to be viable. Somewhere along the line, you have to pay the bills.
So, how do you do all the things that inspire you and make a difference, without venturing too far off the reality checkpoints?
Love Thy Client
A subject close to my heart! In the 30-odd years that I have been working in the brand-building industry a subject that is often skipped over is who is our target market. What do they look like? What is important to them? How do they communicate as opposed to me trying to force my idea of what I think they want to hear onto them?
And yes, I know very well that time and resources are not always on the side of the entrepreneur. But we will be looking at the basics and most fundamental aspects of what we should incorporate to not miss the boat with our potential clients.
Summit Your Mind
Research shows that 80% of our buying decisions are based on our emotions. We do not buy a house for its square meters or finishes or even for its location, but rather our perception of how much fun we can have with our families while living in that house. The love and warmth that we see in the future. The safety of ourselves, or at least the perceived safety.
NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming has been labeled the magic formula to get ourselves and our businesses to new heights including our bank balance. But a lot more about NLP and how we can use it to our advantage in prepping ourselves, communicating with our co-workers, and influencing our customers and investors.
And yes, we are going to be talking about how to conquer our fears and phobias at great length!
Simplifying the Complexities of Business
This is where we will be discussing the how-to’s of business. We are going to be talking to a number of experts and discussing their take on subjects such as how to set up a budget, plan your projects, build a brand, deal with conflict management, and a whole lot more business how-to’s.
Rowing with the Flow
With Rowing with the Flow we want to get you to your ‘eureka moments’ in business. If you have ever felt completely absorbed in a task, you might have been experiencing a mental state that psychologists refer to as flow. We are going to delve into this super fascinating topic of FLOW and how that brings us to the ‘eureka’s’ in life.
But there is a twist in this road. I find most Neuroscience and Positive Psychology talk a bit grandiose. (Yes, I had to Google this fancy word!!) We aim to simplify these highfalutin terms and phrases that only professors understand to a level that our run-of-the-mill entrepreneurs can understand and use in their business adventures.
Balancing BOP
And then we get to the Balancing BOP Checkpoint. This a concept most people know pretty well, but we have to be reminded of it every now and again just to straighten ourselves out. It’s all about living a balanced life (most of the time). Balancing Business, Other People, and our own Personal Interests.
Yes, things can get a bit tricky here, and it is not always as simple as it seems. The last thing we want for you to experience is burnout. And trust me, I know from experience how this can happen without you even realizing it. Leading you to make the dumbest mistakes that you will probably regret for a very long time. So let’s try to avoid the regrets as far as humanly possible.
Splashing into Lateral Thinking
Finally, at checkpoint 7, we will be Splashing into Lateral Thinking. This is where we will be getting creative with our solutions. Not just to be creative for creativity’s sake, but to make a massive difference in our business.
We will be looking at problem-solving from a brand-new angle. One of my favorite pictures to describe lateral thinking is getting from A to B with a maze in between. Where A & B is on either side of a block filled with a maze. Both A & B are at the top on either side of this maze block.
What rule says you must move through the tricky maze with all the twists and turns. And if there was a rule, who made it in the first place? Why not just make an almost straight line from A to B over the top of the block?
In my opinion, lateral thinking is all about breaking the conventional rules that are holding us back in life!
Much quicker. Much less effort. Problem solved!
Let’s Have Fun Together
Ryno Griesel, our very first guest on our Expedition Business podcast explained this to us about fun:
“It is not fun because it is fun. It is fun because I have decided it is fun.”
But before I get too carried away, let’s relook at that scene in bed. If you have ever woken up thinking “oh shit, I have screwed up!!” then this podcast is for you. The road to rediscovering your business adventure can be a very bumpy one, but in the end, we want to grow as individuals and as entrepreneurs.
Listen to our Pilot Episode on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5w8TPDbY2N7F1p2Ys2G058
Listen to our Pilot Episode on iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/182954635
Listen to our Pilot Episode on PlayerFM: https://player.fm/series/3578310
Listen to our Pilot Episode on Podchaser: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/addventures-roadmap-podcast-5757431
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