The Stresses & Strains of an Entrepreneur

How not to achieve FLOW as an entrepreneur

We live in a world of being always on, burning the candle at both ends. The stresses and strains of an entrepreneur push us to rely on quick fixes just to keep going. It’s all Edison’s fault—before electric light, we went to bed when the sun set and rose at dawn. Now, with cell phones, life hasn’t gotten any simpler. We’re always available, whether for work or another social event, and the pressure just keeps increasing.

A quick recap on FLOW for Entrepreneurs

In our series of achieving FLOW as an entrepreneur, we have looked at The Magic Potion of FLOW for entrepreneurs. This is where we spoke about why being in a state of FLOW helps entrepreneurs reach the ultimate levels of productivity. We also looked at the ingredients to achieve FLOW as an entrepreneur.

Nicky Robottom talks about the invisible straightjacket of stress in her book Finding Flow. She talks in her book about how her ‘always on’, back-to-back, running around the office days as a corporate exec led to a near-fatal breakdown. How the fact that she could fall asleep within seconds of lying horizontal on a coach was not something to boast about, but rather a sign that her nervous system was locked in a state of freeze. The reality is that most people think they are OK, but they are not.

Always on is not good

Our always-on, always-dealing with stress, whether conscious or unconscious, has become a badge of honor in our 24/7/365 economy. As an entrepreneur who is often the last one to switch off the lights, we do not offer ourselves the leniency to slow down and reboot. Or at least not in a sustainable way.

How you manage your energy and exist congruently in mind, body, and spirit is the foundation for being balanced and grounded. When you are in harmony with your body, mind and nervous system a flow state can become possible.

Without that harmony, your little stream cobbling down the mountain will get stuck at a beaver-built dam wall that can collapse without a moment’s notice. For a while, you might think the little mountain pond is quaint and picturesque, but it is a disaster waiting to happen.

The shapes and sizes of stress as an entrepreneur

Stress comes mainly in three different forms:

Physical stress is related to accidents, trauma, and injury.
Chemical stress is caused by bacteria, viruses, toxins, hormones in food, alcohol, smoking, heavy metals, etc.
Emotional stress is the result of constant pressure, loss, financial hardships, fear in all its shapes and sizes, and perceptions due to predisposed values and norms.

Stress causes a domino effect in your body and often presents itself under the surface for a very long time before any link can be drawn between your stress and the physical signs. Sometimes we disregard the link for a very long time. A topic I have experienced firsthand, and still have to manage on a constant basis.

The day I received confirmation that my marriage was in serious trouble, I started coughing. Initially, I thought it was a cold that I caught due to the time I had to sit in a draft with wet hair at the hairdresser. Yes, I went to get my hair colored in an attempt to ‘fix’ my emotions. That cough grew in unison with my trauma and even though I was on antibiotics and cortisone treatment for almost two years the only thing that fixed my cough, which was by now diagnosed as chronic bronchial asthma, was the final decree of divorce.

And in between all this coughing, I have developed a serious bout of psirosis. I have spent an insane amount of time at the chiropractor to get all the knots out of my neck and feet. This all happened while growing my advertising agency at a rapid rate, making sure my kids were still excelling at school, awakening our local business forum from the dead, and volunteering at our town’s Christian Social Council. I must admit, helping out at the CSC helped me to realize that there were people in far worse situations than I was and that, regardless of my situation, I was still incredibly blessed.

Managing Psychosomatic Stress

The point is that most of us run around with psychosomatic symptoms of serious stress while going to extreme lengths to present this picture-perfect image to the outside world. Too scared of the judgment. Too scared to admit that we are not OK. And most of all we lie to ourselves. Day in and day out.

So how do we manage our stress levels as entrepreneurs?

Where focus goes, energy flows. The higher your energy levels, the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.” – Tony Robbins

Awareness of Stress: Journaling

Step one in dealing with your stress levels as an entrepreneur is being aware of what is happening to you. I have been keeping a daily journal for some time and just the thought of being able to share my innermost secrets with ‘my best friend’ makes a world of difference. Yes, it could be pretty scary when you go back in time.

Awareness of Stress: Your Business Coach

As a business coach, I also understand the importance of having a physical person to talk to who is not there to give you advice. The number one goal of a business coach is to ask the right questions. No judgment. Just an opportunity for you to answer questions that you have either not thought of, or are ignoring. This is also where I thank my lucky stars for being older and wiser. When I was younger, I always thought that business coaches were only there for people who were weak and had a problems. Now I know that a coach is there to help you excel. And not just business coaches. All coaches. If it wasn’t for my trail running coach, Anja Louw, I would not have come close to running the Otter Challenge.

Awareness of Stress: Physical, Chemical & Emotional Stress

Being aware of the three levels of stress is a massive step in the right direction. Ultimately our bodies can only handle a certain amount of stress regardless of whether it is physical, chemical, or emotional stress. No matter who we are or think we are. And living a healthy lifestyle is at the center of managing your stress as an entrepreneur.

What we put into and onto our bodies makes a massive difference. Something as simple as a chemical-free body lotion can cut out an insane amount of unhealthy chemicals. Have you ever turned your bottle of whatever you put onto your body around to read the ingredients? If you can’t pronounce it, chances are it is not good for you.

Stop Talking & Start Doing

Awareness is a massive step in the right direction, but at some point, you have to stop talking and start doing. Getting back to the subject of chemical creams, I create my own lotions from amongst others, tallow and essential oils. Stella’s Elnaturels. A product very close to my heart and something that we are planning to sell through AddShine soon. But, as they say in the adverts, that’s not all.

When are you planning to cut back on all the appointments and events in your diary? When are you planning to cut back on all the unhealthy foods and wine? Yes, I must admit that this is not always as easy as it seems, but the sooner you admit it is time, the sooner you can make a plan about it.

Check your Sleep Schedule

When last did you have a decent night’s sleep? Too much or too little can spell problems. The quality and quantity of your sleep can make a massive difference to your stress levels as an entrepreneur. Regardless of who you are or who you think you are. This is definitely a topic that we will explore ad infinitum, but for now, be aware that your sleep is one of the most important factors in your stress levels.

Stressing Less as an Entrepreneur

Stress is a constant in any entrepreneur’s life. That is a fact. How you manage your stress as an entrepreneur will be your make-or-break point. You can have all the knowledge and all the opportunities that you can dream of but have to take care of yourself and your stress levels.

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