Five Steps to Stop Entrepreneur Imposter Syndrome

I don’t know about you, but this time of year, it feels like everyone around you is filled with super self-confidence and that you are the only entrepreneur battling imposter syndrome. The reality is that most successful entrepreneurs battle with self-confidence at some point, and at the beginning of a new year, we need extra inspiration and action steps to get us going again!

It is not what you are that holds you back,
it is what you think you are not.
– Denis Waitley

Step 1: Find your SUN

Your Story of Unique Navigation should always be the first step in almost everything you do. You cannot start planning a holiday if you have no idea in which direction you want to go. If you want to start building your confidence that you can make it to Cape Town, you have to know that you are planning to reach Cape Town. Whether you are going to make the trip on foot, bicycle, or car, or you want to take the scenic route, you have to have a clear idea of your ultimate destination.

If you feel lost in your direction, you will set yourself up for a negative thought spiral.

If you have a clear idea of your direction, you will build positive vibes galore!

Step 2: List your Strengths

Listing your strengths as an entrepreneur might sound lame, but the reality is that we all have those moments when we forget how pretty awesome we are. And yes, I can hear you ask: why do I have to write it down on paper?

Writing down your strengths serves as a form of external validation. They are not just fluffy thoughts in your head but become real and tangible, making them harder to dismiss.

Writing helps clarify thoughts and feelings. By articulating strengths, individuals can better understand their skills and achievements, which can combat feelings of inadequacy often associated with imposter syndrome.

Having a written list of strengths acts as a reminder during moments of doubt. It can be revisited for motivation and reassurance, providing a boost in confidence when faced with challenges.

The act of writing can facilitate emotional processing. It allows individuals to express feelings related to imposter syndrome, helping to reduce anxiety and promote a healthier mindset.

Step 3: Train Your Brain

The number one reason entrepreneurs fail is not what they lack but rather what they think they lack. Training your Brain to overcome imposter syndrome is all about restructuring your thought patterns, which forms part of what clever people would call Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

This involves replacing negative thoughts with more balanced and realistic ones. For example, instead of thinking, “I only succeeded because I was lucky,” an entrepreneur might reframe it as “I worked hard and developed skills that contributed to my success.”

Behavioral Activation is another section of CBT where entrepreneurs can start habits that reinforce their competence and self-worth. This may include celebrating small victories. Listing your goals for each day and then ticking them off as your progress could start a positive win cycle. Nothing kills self-confidence than a feeling that you are not making any progress.

Step 4: Surround yourself with positive influencers

If you want to kill all the positive vibes that you have built up, join your complaining ‘friends’ for a Friday night Braai. They might think that they are having a good time by complaining about all the robots that are out on every street corner, the rising cost of living and the government that is destroying the country. The list can go on forever. Super exhausting!

On the other hand, you can join groups of positive people who see the glass as half-full rather than half-empty. If you surround yourself with positive people, you have no choice but to become positive!

Step 5: Fake it till you make it

Sometimes, the only way forward after you have done all the hard work and still feel trepidation is to fake it until you make it. The reality is that we all experience a tinge of fear before we have to step out of our comfort zone. That fear gives you the energy spark to perform at your best. If you give into temptation to back down you have zero change of proving your self worth. Get over yourself. It is time to step up!

Once you start going, the confidence will find you! Guaranteed!

The Next Step to your Entrepreneur Success

As you can imagine, the steps given above are only a very short abbreviation to get you thinking.

If you want to know more, I suggest you sign up for our newsletter. If you need a hand getting there, the next step is to Join the Club!

Remember, this year could be #yourbestyearyet, but only you can make it happen!

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