Our Entrepreneur Story

Prepping for your Business Adventures
Have you ever woken up in the morning, thinking, ‘Oh shit, I have screwed up!‘
Let’s face it: life’s road is bumpy. And being on the road of an entrepreneur is even bumpier. And if you are like me, over the big 50 mark, these bumps can be even bumpier.
In fact, I would like to go as far as comparing the road of an entrepreneur over 50 to that of a trail run. There is a massive difference between a marathon on tar and a marathon on a trail. It could possibly take you double the time to get to your destination. And if you are like me, you could have tripped over a rock and got a big bump on your head and stitches on your leg in the process.
I might have grown up in an entrepreneurial home but realise all too well that even if you know all the ins and outs of entrepreneurship, you still need support. I have been in the marketing communication industry since the days of DOS and would like to share all the highly practical and implementable plans, tactics & formulas that we have been using for our clients over many years.
And then there are matters of the heart and mind, which I believe are almost more important than the how-to’s of business. Dedication, resilience, and grit are just some of the many soft skills that we share through our programs, specifically through addVentures Academy.
Ultimately, we are here to ensure that you add venture to your life and life to your venture.
Christél Rosslee-Venter
addVentures Business Club
A journey of 1000 miles starts with one single step.
- Lao Tzu

Christél Rosslee-Venter aka “The addVentures Girl” has been helping entrepreneurs rediscover the adventure in business since the days of DOS!
Christél is a Strategic Marketing Consultant, Certified Business Coach, Brand Activator, Copywriter & Everything else to help you summit your next Business Adventure.
She is the podcast host of amongst others, Expedition Business, which has been running since 2022. Christél is passionate about sharing the highs & lows of our inspiring South African Entrepreneurs and how they manage to keep the flame of business adventure burning.

The Roadmap to Rediscover your Business Adventures
Everything we do at the addVentures Business Club revolves around the seven checkpoints on the road to rediscover your business adventures
1. Follow Your SUN
Your Story to the world should be simple to follow, give you goosebumps, be unique, and ultimately be part of the strategic navigation that directs your business and your life as a whole.
2. Love Thy Client
Your chosen client should be the be-all and end-all of everything you do. Who are you trying to help? What are their pains, needs, and gains that you are trying to fill? Where do you find more of them and what else can you do to solve their problems and add value to their life?
3. Train Your Brain
Your success as an entrepreneur has more to do with your psychological make-up than what you know. How do you conquer your fears? Ever heard about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? CBT is all about talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. And finally we believe that your GRIT factor is the be-all and end-all of your success. You can have all the knowledge and all the skills, but GRIT is the deciding factor on whether or not you will reach the finish line.
4. Find Your Flow
“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, or relaxing times. The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile”
These are the words of Csikszentmihalyi, founder of the FLOW concept in 1990.
Want to increase your well-being, creativity, and productivity? We will explore the concept of cultivating flow, which describes those moments when you’re completely absorbed in a challenging but doable task.
5. KISS to the Summit (addVentures Academy)
When it comes to implementing business techniques, you should focus on keeping it simple and stupid. From choosing your business goals for the year to constructing your digital marketing actions and beyond. Forget about the complicated corporate techniques that are only there to confuse our entrepreneurs.
This is where we share our simple, but effective tried-and-tested business tools that will help your business to grow and prosper.
Visit our Membership Plans to see if your plan includes FREE access to addVenture Events!
6. Be Balanced
I am a firm believer in the eight spokes of the balanced life wheel. If you want to achieve long-term success and gratification, you need to spend more or less equal time on all eight compartments of your life.

7. Pump up the Creative Juices
Every person has a creative streak. The more you use it and the more fun you have while doing it, the better ideas you will generate. This is what Laterial Thinking is all about. There are a number of techniques for thinking outside the box which are covered in our addVentures Academy Workshops, amongst others.
Throw the status quo on its head!!

You are The Magic Potion
We cannot succeed in our mission to help our entrepreneurs to rediscover the adventure of business without your help.
Please consider joining us as a member. For yourself, for a member of your team that you would love to empower or as a sponsor to one of addVentures Academy’s Workshops and Events.