Wisdom From the Firepit Blog

The Sacrifice of Business Success
How to Play the Balancing Act of Entrepreneurs in South Africa How far are you

Can a client be your Valentine?
Have you ever experienced the feeling of being in love with your client? That feeling

To take a hike or not?
5 Reasons to Take an Entrepreneur Hike As a business coach, I often work with

How to Write a Testimonial for an Entrepreneur
How much do you appreciate the amazing service you have received from your entrepreneur friend?

Five Steps to Stop Entrepreneur Imposter Syndrome
I don’t know about you, but this time of year, it feels like everyone around

2025: A Fresh Start to the Best Year Yet
The Best Inspiration for our Entrepreneurs Mark Twain famously said: “The secret of getting ahead

Your SUN will SHINE in 2025
The year has come and gone. Again. Year-end Business Stress is palpable. Again. We are

How to handle curveballs in business
It might be time to pivot your grit When was the last time you had

GRIT: The Ultimate Differentiation for Successful Entrepreneurs?
The Secret between failing and thriving as an entrepreneur Why do talented over-achievers at school

Marketing Audits for Entrepreneurs: Why, When & How?
The end of the year is approaching us at the speed of lightning. Whether you

Oh shit, I’m screwed … or am I?
The dangers of ‘comparisonitis‘ and how to snap out of it. I’ve recently experienced the

Is it time to stop and pen the roses?
The need to preserve your entrepreneurial memories As entrepreneurs, we are consumed with being busy.

The Steps to becoming your own Story Explorer
One of the number one passions that we at addVentures have is to help our

The Otter Challenge 2024: Adding Life to My Venture
After 335 days of preparation, the Otter Challenge Day has come and gone. Adding a

Thinking Lateral & Having Fun as an Entrepreneur
How much fun are you having as an entrepreneur? Does your always-on lifestyle keep you

The Ultimate Bucket List for Entrepreneurs
If there is one thing that we at addVentures Business Club are passionate about, it

When was the last time you had a dopamine rush as an entrepreneur?
Reward Systems for Dopamine Rush Entrepreneurs and how your Bucket List plays a significant role

Is 50 too old to start or to change direction as an entrepreneur?
When last did you find yourself on the proverbial kitchen floor thinking ‘What the hell

Entrepreneur Over 50? What’s your Story of Unique Navigation?
When last have you been asked what your story as an entrepreneur is? If you

The Stresses & Strains of an Entrepreneur
How not to achieve FLOW as an entrepreneur We live in a world of being

How to Improve Entrepreneur FLOW productivity
The Ultimate Ingredients to Achieve Productivity as an Entrepreneur In our previous blog article, we

The Magic Potion of FLOW for Entrepreneurs
How to improve your productivity as an Entrepreneur with FLOW At some point in time,

Over 50 Entrepreneurs & Their Fear Of Greatness
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are

50 Shades of Grayer than Gray Advertising
How to Avoid Canva Design Mistakes by Entrepreneurs. Is Canva Design Mistakes by Entrepreneurs something

Over 50 Entrepreneur Adventures
No Retirement in Sight! “Why is it that as you grow older, life seems to

My Dad Spoilt Any Chance of My Rags to Riches Story
…but he remains the number-one inspiration in my Why I do what I do. How

Are you going on holiday, with no planned destination?
The basics of Finding you Why Imagine you are climbing into your car. The family’s

The Journey to Rediscover your Business Adventure Starts Here
Have you ever woken up in the morning … lying in bed …. eyes still

Trick or Treat? Using NLP in Marketing Your Business
“It’s all in your mind.” “Stop daydreaming.” How many times have you heard these phrases?

Entrepreneur Depression in South Africa: Speak Up or Sit Down
Mental Health Issues of Our Entrepreneurs Under the Spotlight When last have you heard the

Finding your Why in Business
Step 1 in your Roadmap to Business Adventures Do you know WHY you are in

You don’t have to be crazy to be an Over 50 entrepreneur, but it helps!
Why the world needs a limited amount of crazy entrepreneurs When last have you been

Saying no when you want to scream YES!
Why target market segmentation is crucial for an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned that

Why should I reinvent myself as an Over 50 Entrepreneur?
“Why should I reinvent myself as an Over 50 Entrepreneur?” Why not? The beauty of

5 Steps to Find Your WHY as an Over 50 Entrepreneur
So you have already decided to reinvent yourself as an Over 50 Entrepreneur. After all,

Reinventing Yourself as an Over 50 Entrepreneur
Reinventing yourself as an Over 50 Entrepreneur might sound a bit far-fetched. You might have

Can creativity be taught?
Confucious’ Creative Thinking Rule in Entrepreneurship AddVentures Business Club is currently in the process of

The Disney Creative Strategy to Elevate your Business Adventures
When it comes to creating the elements on your AddVenture Brand Roadmap, it can be

7 Sales Funnel Stages to Explode Entrepreneur Success
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that the number one priority

Can my business survive the stories I tell myself?
Creative Mindset’s Value for Entrepreneurs You are what you think you are. This is not

How to Survive a Sh*t Day as a South African Entrepreneur
I recently had to sell myself to the Professional Speakers Association (PSASA) in the hope

Is My Story Worth the Click?
The 101 on Ideation for Entrepreneurs in South Africa In the digital age where everyone

Find Your Summit to Climb
Rediscover the Purpose of Your Entrepreneurial Business Adventures Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey in South

Success is not final. Failure is not fatal.
The ever-elusive entrepreneurial energy levels. When last did you get that sinking feeling? That feeling

How much should I spend on marketing?
The Marketing Budget for Entrepreneurs When it comes to setting up a marketing budget for

Elevator Pitch for Entrepreneurs
Do you as an entrepreneur have your elevator pitch ready? Having been in the brand-building

Entrepreneur Spotlight on Rentia Human
Adding Shine to your Corporate Gifts and Clothing There is a brand-new full-time dynamite face

What is the worst thing that can happen to an entrepreneur?
Is the entrepreneur’s risk worth the reward? Have you ever wondered what is the worst

Biblical Inspiration To Conquer End-Of-Year Entrepreneur Burnout
How are you doing on your year-end stresses and strains? We have just posted a

How to conquer year-end business stress for entrepreneurs
End-of-year business burnout is a reality that most entrepreneurs face at some point in time.

So, I ran the f**king Berg!
Lessons in entrepreneurial grit It is extremely easy to assume that using vulgar language is

7 Entrepreneurial Lessons Learned from my Otter Trail
Expanding your business adventures often includes expanding your own personal adventures. Whether we want to

Making a difference in the lives of one entrepreneur at a time
Celani Nguza dreams of building his own cleaning company. He has recently lost his job

5 Ways to avoid giving up on your business
No one is born with all the confidence in the world all the time. Some

How to become an overnight success as an entrepreneur
The Bamboo Effect Explained Nothing makes for a better story than an entrepreneur’s overnight success.

Should you have an affair with your client?
Technically our clients should be our main priority. We should be obsessed with fulfilling their

The Pros and Cons of an Exceptional Entrepreneur Father
With Father’s Day just around the corner, I thought it might be worthwhile to take

The SCARF Model could be your Ultimate Entrepreneur Growth Hack
As entrepreneurs, our ability to interconnect with people is the number one growth hack that

10 Steps to a Pothole-Free Brand Roadmap
The stronger your brand, the stronger the emotional connection that people will have with you,

The Focusing Entrepreneur
Is this an extinct specie or are there hope for our entrepreneurs? When I told

Entrepreneur Myth #1 Busted: Work-Life Balance.
“Entrepreneurs who believe in work-life balance are most certainly not successful or they should have

Book Review: It Takes a Tsunami by Rael Levitt
The Highs & Lows of Our Entrepreneurs At addVENTURES and specifically Expedition Business we are

Entrepreneur Depression: Sob story, real-life threat, or a good joke-source
The Rob Lowe Netflix Comedy Unstable paints a picture of a person with typical entrepreneur

When is an entrepreneur an entrepreneur?
And what separates successful entrepreneurs from failed entrepreneurs? Have you ever laid awake at night

Strive to Bounce Back of Note
He was on the brink of bankruptcy, fighting the government of Zimbabwe for years to

Byt vas Boet! Things could be much worse.
So, the news is out and Stage 8 load-shedding seems to be a thing now,

Do you see the gorilla?
It is fascinating to see how many spelling mistakes, grammatically confused sentences, and plain wrong

Mr. Bounce Back Award goes to Howard Schultz
addVENTURES #BounceBackTuesdays While understandably in the mood for coffee, while pondering on what is a

Humility as a Framework to Kick Ass
“No man can learn that which he already knows”-Epictetus Pride, ego, and pure doggedness (the

Herman Mashaba’s 11 Ingredients required for Entrepreneurship
In case you have not noticed, I am a very big fan of Herman Mashaba’s

Nomu moments in a lukewarm bath
While sitting in a lukewarm bath in the dark (no electricity no geyser), positivity, fun,

Should the bad be killed?
Tebogo Naledi, MD of Old Mutual Investment Group gave a presentation at the Financial Mail

Why we should ban ESG to save the planet
ESG is a three-letter acronym that I hear day and night since we became involved

Digital Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Have you been left behind?
Do you still believe you need an IT guy for your website? Do you jump

Protest with passion & authenticity
You should be angry today. You should be fuming with disgust. Hands trembling, heart pounding,

Is Integrity in Entrepreneurship only for those who do not know how to do business?
Integrity. An integral part of Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Easy to say. Slightly more tricky to live

How to write an elevator pitch that inspires
Imagine… you step into an elevator and there is a lone occupant waiting to travel

Be thankful for your crap
Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Prosperity is our biggest detriment Do you know what you do not know?

Are you the spanner or the works of Sustainable Entrepreneurship?
The management gurus tell us that we have to keep referring back to our ‘Why’s’.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Here today, not gone tomorrow
What is sustainable entrepreneurship and why should we care? We live in a super fast-paced

Are you in love with yourself? Maybe you should be.
Are you in love with yourself? Maybe you should abandon everything you were taught about

Should our Christian faith form part of our marketing strategy?
Sustainable Entrepreneurship: What to do and what not to do. Sustainable entrepreneurship is a topic

Getting rid of the Golden Handcuffs of your Salary
How many times have you planned on leaving your job? How many times have you

Who’s inspirational quote is it anyway?
Who’s quote it is anyway? I don’t know about you, but I am a sucker

Momtrepreneur: Excuses can only take you so far
Stay-at-Home vs Workings Mom This week marks the first week in 19 years that I

72% of Entrepreneurs have Mental Health Issues – ‘Why’ can fix it
Find your Why – Get Unstuck Why are you doing what you are doing? Why

To ditch or not to ditch New Year’s Resolutions
The question of whether new year’s resolutions should be ditched or not is probably as

Startup Rates for Women Entrepreneurs dropped by 15%
Startup rates for women dropped by 15% from 2019 to 2020, and held constant in

Have you lost your sense of business adventure?
Most entrepreneurs start their business journey with a spirit of adventure. Lots of passion, energy

What is the definition of Sustainable Business?
Sustainability and sustainable business practices are keywords that are thrown around ad lib and very

When is good enough not good enough anymore
How do you avoid Death-by-PowerPoint? At what point should we step back and realize that

The Ultimate Human Race to Conformity
Why do we keep on being stuck in follow-the-crowd mode? South Africa loves the Comrades

Business lessons from the Soutpansberg Mountain Marathon
I have recently completed the Soutpansberg Mountain Marathon in a spectacular time of 9 hours

Eight Spokes of a Balanced Life
When last have you attempted to access how balanced your life is? On the best

6 Business Lessons from a Trail Run
What happens when a business coach mixes up with a bunch of serious trail runners?